Ecovadis Gold Rating for Our IT/ITES Client

The Problem

Our client is one of the largest global IT/ITES companies, headquartered in India. They decided to participate in EcoVadis as many of their customers were asking for ESG related information through that platform. Being new to the process, our/ITES support was sought to ensure decent EcoVadis score

The Intervention

We supported our client by uploading the responses to specific EcoVadis requirements under Environmental, Human Resources, Health & Safety and Governance related questions. In the process we delivered the following reports too

  • Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Footprint
  • Carbon Management Plan, culminating in Net Zero by 2050
  • D&I plan
  • Safety Management plan and safety data archiving system
  • Training plan and training evidence archiving process
  • Redrafting of relevant Policies where necessary and developing new policies for board approval
  • Sustainable Supply Chain strategy and guide the practice including supplier outreach through webinars
  • ESG Report focusing on ESG rating agencies’ interests

The Result

Our client obtained an EcoVadis Gold rating and now we are engaged with the client to improve the rating to Platinum over a 3 years time horizon.