
Energy Company Reduces Emission by 26%

The Problem

Our client, a electricity utility company with generation, transmission and distribution functions, intended to develop a Sustainability Framework and Strategy for aligning with Net Zero ambition of the country. While the client did not have any past experience of carbon management and the top management was mostly unaware of the requirements, they were set a Net Zero deadline by the state regulator.

The Intervention

To get the buying in of the top management and functional heads across the organization, we spent initial few months in just training and sharing relevant case studies of what other players in the sector the doing globally. When the leaders started getting interested and became eager to participate in the decarbonization journey, we started training the process owners and with the nudge from the leaders, it happened smoothly.

Next, we carried out a gap analysis of the current status of the company with respect to global peers and set the carbon goals till 2030 for each relevant function. Then the framework and strategy was co-developed with the client while involving latest technologies as well as optimization of the processes.

The Result

The company has embarked on their decarbonization journey as per the framework.

In the last two years after initiating the process, they are disclosing their progress through CDP and have reduced their absolute emissions by 26%.