
ESG Rating Improvement for Chemical Company

The Problem

Our client had obtained ESG rating from a renowned global rating

agency. However, the rating was not satisfactory. As a result, the client had started getting

adverse communications from certain investors and customers.

The Intervention

We suggested and supported our client by doing the following

  • Better carbon footprint computation – We improved the organizational boundary consideration and scope 3 emission which was not done earlier
  • Developed carbon intensity reduction plan till 2030
  • Water footprint management plan with better reuse and rainwater harvesting
  • Plastic packaging waste management plan with technological intervention – pyrolysis
  • Biodiversity management plan
  • Better value chain engagement process – both suppliers and customers
  • Periodic environmental and social audit of supply chain
  • Climate risk and opportunity assessment and developing a strategy around buildingresilience following the recommendations of TCFD
  • Better ESG disclosure covering all relevant parameters used by the rating agency
  • CDP Climate disclosure

The Result

The overall ESG rating improved by about 34% in 18 months. The client is now

confident of getting even better rating in the next cycle